Denise Jones-Chu
Denise was born in Chilliwack BC Canada and has lived all over BC and in Alberta though-out her life.
Denise loves making “something out of nothing” and has had a passion for Up-cycled projects long before “Up-Cycled” was a term used to describe re-using items and transforming them into current usable items.
Educated in the Arts with a major in Textiles & Design, Denise has experienced almost every aspect of textile construction including dying, printing and weaving.
Denise is the creator of Hello Beautiful Textile and Ceramic Creations. She designs ceramic buttons to use on her fashions and they are also sold across Canada in yarn and button retail stores.
Denise Currently lives and works in Vancouver BC and is passionate about sustainability and supporting Canadian small business, Artists and Creators.
You can find her button work @
Fashions and finds @
And all current activities @