Read our newsletter s.c

March meeting

On Wednesday March 20th, at PoMoArts, from 7-9pm, our presenter will be Jennifer Woodin, artist, designer, and educator. "Originally from California, she was an Assistant Professor in the School of Fine and Performing Arts at State University New York ..., teaching in the areas of Digital Arts and Ceramics. She received a bachelor’s degree in […]

April meeting

On Wednesday, April 17th, at PoMoArts from 7-9 pm we will have a presentation on the Ceramics Mecca of Jingdezhen, China, by members who travelled there to study in 2010. They will show slides of their experiences, examples of work produced with the techniques learned there, and will discuss how the experience has influenced their […]

May Meeting

Wednesday, May 15th from 7-9 pm, at PoMoArts. The topic will be “Where Can Ceramics Go?” A panel of four internationally-trained ceramic artists will talk about their clay-related projects and lead a discussion on the future of ceramics in the modern world. Our guest artists will be: Carolyn Chan; Zohra Bonnis;Sherry Dina; and Robert Shiozaki.

June meeting

This is our last meeting before our new pottery year begins in September. Party time! The pot-luck dinner is usually held on the third Wednesday of June in a member's garden, weather permitting. Watch for further details on our Facebook Group page: TriCity Potters, here on this site, and also in an email to members.

September Meeting

We are back to routine and our first meeting for our pottery year at the PoMo Arts Center is on September 18th from 7 to 9 pm. Our guest speaker is Emily Sheppard, a well-known and popular artist instructor at Place des Arts. Emily will be showing and talking about her work, including soda firing. […]

October Meeting

This meeting will be our AGM and a time for fun and creativity. Come out for a hands-on opportunity to explore the possibilities and fun of surface decoration using decals, underglazes, sgraffito, etc. You can make your own personalized name tag, pendant, coaster. Clay and some materials are provided but bring along brushes, sponge, cutters, […]

Field Trip to Sunshine Coast for Artists’ Crawl

Take the ferry to the Sunshine Coast on Friday, Oct 18th, stay gratis at one of our members cottages, on Saturday visit potters in the area (22 are involved) and return on Sunday. If you are interested, contact our Treasurer, Owen Lee.

November meeting

Join us for an interesting presentation by Ilena Lee, a Vancouver potter. Ilena has a degree in both Ceramic Sculpture and Theatre from the University of Alaska. Her ceramics have been shown all over the lower mainland and the US and commissioned from as far away as Germany, the UK, and Australia. Ilena had a […]

December meeting

Our annual December Christmas potluck dinner will be held at 6 pm on Wednesday Dec 11, 2024 at Gillian McMillian's home. As in the past, please bring a dish to share, hot or cold, and ready to serve. There will be a non-alcoholic punch provided; if you are wishing wine or spirits it's BYOB. If […]

January meeting Martin Peters

On Wednesday Jan 15, 2025 our presenter will be Martin Peters. Martin earned his degree in Fine Arts from the Kootenay School of Art in Nelson, BC, where he studied with Walter Dexter. He later apprenticed at the Leach Pottery in St. Ives in Cornwall, England. He continues to make pottery in the Leach style […]

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